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Top Insurance Companies can be many, but always one has to choose the best of the best. According to the recent recession period in September 2008 the market values had a reshuffle and from that reshuffle ten of the world's largest insurance companies were selected.
In this prestigious list of top insurance companies American Intl Group (United States) has found the first place followed by AXA Group (France); Allianz Worldwide (Germany); Manulife Financial (Japan); Generali Group (Italy); Prudential Financial (United States); Metlife (United States); Aviva (United Kingdom); Munich Re Group (Germany) and Aegon (Netherlands). These insurance companies have been selected based on their market value in billions.
So one would wonder how the market values of the companies could be analysed with such a great market crunch that broke many a financial institution into pieces. Well it is the dependable and protracted growth in returns obtained by these companies which could answer this question.
An insurance company should not only look to the profit of its market but also to the welfare of its customers. Most businesses are started with the hope that its range of customers would be good and of high profile. Complete customer satisfaction is what is required to become one of the top insurance in the world.
Top insurance companies should be able to meet challenges of today's market. They should hire efficient staff to harvest new clients each day by offering much more than other companies. This would help them to boost their revenues and keep their customers satisfied too. Their deals to the customers should be modest and easy to understand.
Top insurance companies should make the customers understand that their growth lies in the customer's satisfaction alone. Customers should be made comfortable and given priority when filing for insurance. The customer is the investor, not the insurance company. This should be borne in mind. Good service to the customers could fetch any insurance company a sure and steady rise to the top.
All you need to know and more about the dynamics and mechanics of top insurance companies [] in the world.
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